Wednesday 19 January 2011

Batman and Robin #19

Hello again people, to all you who have noticed that the first 2 posts were of very different styles in the way they were written and laied out, now I have decided on which style to go in. With that said and done, time to  get on with it! The cover for this comic is pretty cool; I know I've been complaining about this type of cover but I'm starting to like it. In all honesty, the way that Damian is drawn suits him, where as  the Batman looks more like Bruce than Dick. This story arc at the moment is pretty straight forward; ex-girl friend wants revenge on Bruce for not appearing at her funeral? Wait that's not straight forward, oh well on with it i shall get

Seeing as this is the last in this story arc I'm gonna explain the whole thing and i plan to do this will all end of arc issues.

So this one starts out with Batman and Robin storming in  to the house of Vicki vale to see that she is not there and in her place Absence is. She proves she had no intention to kill by ripping up her massive scissors which were made from card, and the bag labeled body parts, was actually dog food, whilst Robin saves Vicki Batman is trying to calm Absence down for 3 minutes, until, absences plan work she's trapped Batman and Robin with some knock out gas. First of all if Batman is such a great detective, then why i ask does he always fall in to traps. The whole Batman family issues i love so don't get me wrong with the trap thing, but it can get a bit stupid sometimes, if you get me?

Then next thing we see is the dynamic duo tied down in chairs in some elaborate trap, in all honesty it look like something out of a Saw, and of course there goes Damien, oh that little bastard. Any way whilst Absence is explaining the trap the Boys are trying to break free but before they can, the drills get them. Then nothing their still alive, took me a while to figure it out before i read what Absence said, the drill heads were fake?! That i really didn't see coming, did you?

So as the boys  break free she explains that shes not a psychopathic, but just miss understood, isn't that like most villains then?  She starts to say that she meant nothing to Bruce, and she was just another girl to him, she points a gun at Batman and then turns it to herself, bearing in mind she's near an open window what's the point in that? pulls trigger, BAM! She's dead  again, as  her body falls, the boys run down the building on the inside, just as normal people do, what i was thinking why don't they zip line down, its much quicker! By the time there there there's no body to be seen!

After a Batman Monologue, you see a woman standing on the other side of Gotham lake, or what ever it is. It's most likely Absence. END? what an obscured ending?

After Finishing it myself, my thoughts
I'm not a big fan of this story arc, but there were some moments where i was unsure of what was going to happen which I did like. Any way this individual comic, kind of dragged on a bit. It was entertaining to read parts of it  but not my cup of tea. So in the end it was bearable, I can see that this will lead in to something else much bigger with an ending like that.


As i said in my verry short post before this one, i have been ill but, i will make up for the 2 reviews that i have not done, and tomorrow's one, some how. This is a lot more work than you think it is.

Next review- Green Lantern Corps #56


Well as you can see I missed the last few, posts, and I'm not happy with my self for it, but i was basically bed ridden for most of today. I was ill, and i am determined to post a new review tonight!!! 

Tuesday 18 January 2011

OH Dear

yes as you can see i missed batman and robin #19 for this week,  but dont fear, it will be out tonight, and i may possibly have another review aswell

Friday 14 January 2011

Red Robin #19

As promised Red Robin #19, yes i know that this is not the time that i had planed for this to be published, but it was a busy day at college and all that jazz. Just as i looked at this cover i am still a bit baffled, why DC are doing this style of cover,  but i have to admit that this cover looks pretty dam bad ass.  The reason i love Red Robin is because he's just an all around hero, and he is my idol in the sense of relationships with women. That stud!

You need t0 of read the previous 3 issues of this to understand what is happening, 'cause its confusing, 

any way on with the comic!

So  this issue starts off with Red Robin (Tim Drake)  wondering where he is,  looking at the Riddler and some other person who I'm not sure of, and by the  looks of things there gonna kill RR and of course the Riddler makes some quip 'when is the cure worse than the disease'. Figure that out for yourself.  So just as they are gonna kill him, Robin and Batman turn up and stop them,  yeah odd isn't it, and its the old Batman and Robin (Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson) has a different outfit on, which i quite like. any way Batman and Robin beat up the bad guy who isn't  Riddler and  all three disappear, okay i want to know where a Batman and Robin came from although it was funny to see the first Robin costume again . Mean while Tim is becoming aware of where he is. Its kind of hard to explain, so you can read it yourself to figure it out.
He sees the Riddler standing next to car with a baby crying in it, he goes to the car and picks up the baby to find out its Tamara Fox,(Lucius Fox's daughter),  and she can talk, Tim figures out that the way they look is due to the way they think are. and you find out that the Ridller is Tim's subconscious. So as you do when you have a baby and a car you drive off. There are some key bits of information which explains how they got in to the Unternet, Because they  were all on the same comm-link (they being the four real people in the Unternet)   because of Lonnie machine  hacked in to Viktor's files(Tim's best friend and a previous Anarky i believe) and got dragged into the Unternet

As they are driving Harley Quinn attacks them, and says no one leave with out the mayor allowing so. And clearly RR can handle him self a Harley, as he strikes the finishing blow, she disappears just as the other three did earlier. Just as that happens The Joker dressed in a bloody Robin suit with a gun and a crowbar. This is purely genius image for the Joker first of all, the crow bar, its what  he killed  Jason Todd With (second Robin), secondly the robin outfit, its the Dick Grayson outfit, oh how i love the joker he's always got a sicker and dark way of doing things  every time you read something to do with him, don't you agree?. Lets get back to it, the Joker 

They kill the bad guys, and then leave the Unternet, but  with a very cautious RR (some times a bird can change his feathers, still its a but who knows...). Back in the real world, Red Star is looking after Tim, but for how long, does Viktor know who hacked the Unternet, and what will Tam eat next ...

okay now that last bit was clearly a joke. 
After Finishing it myself, my thoughts
To start off with this comic  was confusing as hell, just to much to make sense of. Once again you wont hear me flaw any of the art work. It did keep me hooked all the way through, just to find out what the Unternet is.  it could of been better in all honesty  with the way the brought it in, but wait for the rating which is right  beneath...


a quick thing, yes i know i missed my time that i was ment to post this review, but ive set my times wrong,  so from now on, Mon, Tues, Fri will be the days where i post between 7-10 pm  
Wed, and Thurs could be any time 

Next review- Batman & Robin 19

Thursday 13 January 2011

Superboy 3

A couple of quick things, why are DC doing this type of cover on all their ongoing's, don't get me wrong, I like it but, ON ALL OF THEM?!  Its a bit too over whelming. Quick little rant over.

Stop here if you haven't read Superboy 1&/or 2. 
If you  just want to know about  Superboy 3 then skip the next two paragraphs

Superboy 1
Any way, on with superboy 3, just like the last review I did,  I have just recently started reading superboy, I know what your thinking " This volume just started?" still, its a new read to me, I've started to read them in the past 2 weeks. so far I'm liking it, there's not much of a story to the volume at the moment,  so here's a quick little catch up,  Conner is sat in one of the many fields in Smallville when Phantom Stranger  pop out of no where and says that he will have to go through some tough time's soon,  Conners best mate know he is Superboy and promises to keep it a secret Parasite attacks conner, and conner quickly turns in to Superboy takes parasite to the middle of no where in some random field, and wins the fight. Poison Ivy shows up and just before she does the plants act weird and attacking every thing , and she asks for Superboys help..... end of 1

 Superboy 2
How quick was that?! Lets hope this one is just as. This one is a straight follow on, any way what happens is that Superboy agrees to help Ivy and leaves his best friend (Simon) with Krypto(Super Dog) to keep an eye on parasite while the police come and collect him. Simon wants to help conner so he takes a couple of samples from parasite to help make his super frogs stronger (this kid is 360 degree's weird). Ivy and SB find the source of the disruption to the plants, and its a farm, they go in the barn and see that the farm owners hooked up to some machine. they need to get him out but Ivy, decides to rip out the cables from the Farmer, Simon and his super frogs take down Ivy SB grabs a spherical part of the machine and flies it up in to the air and it dissolves  then left over is some form of tablet. at the end two creepy old guys are just standing around at night talking how their scan of conner worked and that Smallville will be theirs they ....

Superboy 3
This one has the title of "The New Adventures of Psionic Lad" you instantly think ' sounds like something from the 60's when your parents were reading comic, it sounds too cheesy to be a  real hero.Moving along...

 The first page that isn't an advert is  of every on in a college passed out on the floor, (dam that must of been  a good party) and Superboy in sheer agony whilst Lori(Luther niece) is trying to help every one seeing as she is fine some how? After turning the page, you see that this is a 'Then  and Now' type of issue which means it will show a mix of two time periods that will eventually co inside,  so  after a 3 page spread in the 'Then', there a bit of a juicy scene where ..... 

In the next 'then' its conner calling up Bart(Kid Flash) and sayin he wants to do some charity event thing where Superboy and KF race, and Bart agree's to do it. When conner reaches school he says to simon that he cant be in both Superboy's and conner life and he needs to pick one,  and then in lesson conner and Lori catch each other looking at one another,  and look away again suddenly,  end of lesson  ever one in hall gets knocked out and then it flicks to a 'Now' and a portal opens and some kid fall's through, explains who he is, and says that he needs help... but with what, 

Don't forget to find out for yourself  so Pick Up and Read,  this comic and the two previous issues of Superboy

After Finishing it my self, my thought's
The whole idea of a then and now just didn't really seem to work for me on this comic, but the super  juicy scene which I will not tell,  was very good, and in all honesty was highly unexpected.  The art work for me on this Superboy  was not as good as I expected. There is a lot that this issue lacked but wasn't that bad off a read.


Side Note: when you see an odd SB its to save me time from constantly writing Superboy

And another side note:  i will try and do a new review week night, expect a the new review, out between 4  and 6pm  GMT  

Next review- Red Robin 19

Teen Titans V3 #90

Here it is my first official review its, one of my new favourite reads, iv got in to reading the teen titans  quite recently but I must say it is crazily good and been a teenager myself, I can relate to so of their 'non-heroic' problems, 

So lets get started. Side note: This may be a follow on for issue 89, but I missed that one .... silly me, right. This issue hasn't really got a context to start with,  a family(Mum,Dad and Daughter) doing  some artifact hunting in Pakistan and mum and dad go for a walkie, and suddenly their light goes out, and being a good daughter (I'm guessing) she goes to see what happening, big shocker, mum and dad are missing, and the daughter has the power to to control fire, something is telling me that she may soon be come a member of the Teen Titans, 

The next scene is Raven(Rachel Roth) and Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark) are talking about tracking down some kid called Barney,  and having a deep conversation mean while on the next page, there's Ravenger (Rose Wilson) and Robin (Damien Wayne) both practising and training, with these two its kind of ironic how there dad's are fighting against each other(Batman and Death Stroke) and they are working together. How does that work out? and the funny thing is that Damien couldn't care less on what rose Has to say. He's never going to be a delight is he?

Beast Boy(Gar Logan) notices Superboy(Conner Kent) and was wondering what he was doing, and to sum up the conversation, Conner is seeming to feel like the Titans Tower is becoming more of a headquarters than a home.  We see Kid Flash (Bart Allen) running on water in the back ground,  and  he has found the Barney kid that Cassie was serching for.  Bart found a year book in a local Library they go and find him, of cores.  And he seems to have powers, and there's a girl and some other guy who are working with Barney, he's trying to destroy the school by the looks of things and the Teen Titans are there to stop him. 

Once  they are in the school Bart runs around to look for the student gets attacked by some girl he thought was knocked out. With that the rest of the Titans split up to look for Barney , Ravenger with Robin, Raven With Wonder Girl and Gar with Superboy, things could get interesting. Will they save the school in time,where are the missing students,  and  they stop Barney before its too late...

Well your going to need to read it because I'm not  giving away any spoilers.

After Finishing it my self, my thought's
This comic  was indeed a good, read, although i missed the previous one, it was very easy to catch up on. Generally the art work for DC comics is one that i can not stop adoring,  the idea that they split, in to groups was too cliché for my liking but the idea of pairing Robin with Ravenger  was one that i quite seemed to like because there both dark in a sense, like take Robin for example, he has found it so hard to find acceptance,  and similar with Rose. The story arc looks like its going to be a good one,  


Next review- Superboy 3


My dear friend at , Jamie, has re-inspired me  to do these comic reviews, he maily does Marvel related stuff and with that, you can guess I'm gonna be doing DC related stuff. i also have a you-tube channel and very soon i will be doing a video blog as well
