Thursday 13 January 2011

Teen Titans V3 #90

Here it is my first official review its, one of my new favourite reads, iv got in to reading the teen titans  quite recently but I must say it is crazily good and been a teenager myself, I can relate to so of their 'non-heroic' problems, 

So lets get started. Side note: This may be a follow on for issue 89, but I missed that one .... silly me, right. This issue hasn't really got a context to start with,  a family(Mum,Dad and Daughter) doing  some artifact hunting in Pakistan and mum and dad go for a walkie, and suddenly their light goes out, and being a good daughter (I'm guessing) she goes to see what happening, big shocker, mum and dad are missing, and the daughter has the power to to control fire, something is telling me that she may soon be come a member of the Teen Titans, 

The next scene is Raven(Rachel Roth) and Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark) are talking about tracking down some kid called Barney,  and having a deep conversation mean while on the next page, there's Ravenger (Rose Wilson) and Robin (Damien Wayne) both practising and training, with these two its kind of ironic how there dad's are fighting against each other(Batman and Death Stroke) and they are working together. How does that work out? and the funny thing is that Damien couldn't care less on what rose Has to say. He's never going to be a delight is he?

Beast Boy(Gar Logan) notices Superboy(Conner Kent) and was wondering what he was doing, and to sum up the conversation, Conner is seeming to feel like the Titans Tower is becoming more of a headquarters than a home.  We see Kid Flash (Bart Allen) running on water in the back ground,  and  he has found the Barney kid that Cassie was serching for.  Bart found a year book in a local Library they go and find him, of cores.  And he seems to have powers, and there's a girl and some other guy who are working with Barney, he's trying to destroy the school by the looks of things and the Teen Titans are there to stop him. 

Once  they are in the school Bart runs around to look for the student gets attacked by some girl he thought was knocked out. With that the rest of the Titans split up to look for Barney , Ravenger with Robin, Raven With Wonder Girl and Gar with Superboy, things could get interesting. Will they save the school in time,where are the missing students,  and  they stop Barney before its too late...

Well your going to need to read it because I'm not  giving away any spoilers.

After Finishing it my self, my thought's
This comic  was indeed a good, read, although i missed the previous one, it was very easy to catch up on. Generally the art work for DC comics is one that i can not stop adoring,  the idea that they split, in to groups was too cliché for my liking but the idea of pairing Robin with Ravenger  was one that i quite seemed to like because there both dark in a sense, like take Robin for example, he has found it so hard to find acceptance,  and similar with Rose. The story arc looks like its going to be a good one,  


Next review- Superboy 3

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