Friday 14 January 2011

Red Robin #19

As promised Red Robin #19, yes i know that this is not the time that i had planed for this to be published, but it was a busy day at college and all that jazz. Just as i looked at this cover i am still a bit baffled, why DC are doing this style of cover,  but i have to admit that this cover looks pretty dam bad ass.  The reason i love Red Robin is because he's just an all around hero, and he is my idol in the sense of relationships with women. That stud!

You need t0 of read the previous 3 issues of this to understand what is happening, 'cause its confusing, 

any way on with the comic!

So  this issue starts off with Red Robin (Tim Drake)  wondering where he is,  looking at the Riddler and some other person who I'm not sure of, and by the  looks of things there gonna kill RR and of course the Riddler makes some quip 'when is the cure worse than the disease'. Figure that out for yourself.  So just as they are gonna kill him, Robin and Batman turn up and stop them,  yeah odd isn't it, and its the old Batman and Robin (Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson) has a different outfit on, which i quite like. any way Batman and Robin beat up the bad guy who isn't  Riddler and  all three disappear, okay i want to know where a Batman and Robin came from although it was funny to see the first Robin costume again . Mean while Tim is becoming aware of where he is. Its kind of hard to explain, so you can read it yourself to figure it out.
He sees the Riddler standing next to car with a baby crying in it, he goes to the car and picks up the baby to find out its Tamara Fox,(Lucius Fox's daughter),  and she can talk, Tim figures out that the way they look is due to the way they think are. and you find out that the Ridller is Tim's subconscious. So as you do when you have a baby and a car you drive off. There are some key bits of information which explains how they got in to the Unternet, Because they  were all on the same comm-link (they being the four real people in the Unternet)   because of Lonnie machine  hacked in to Viktor's files(Tim's best friend and a previous Anarky i believe) and got dragged into the Unternet

As they are driving Harley Quinn attacks them, and says no one leave with out the mayor allowing so. And clearly RR can handle him self a Harley, as he strikes the finishing blow, she disappears just as the other three did earlier. Just as that happens The Joker dressed in a bloody Robin suit with a gun and a crowbar. This is purely genius image for the Joker first of all, the crow bar, its what  he killed  Jason Todd With (second Robin), secondly the robin outfit, its the Dick Grayson outfit, oh how i love the joker he's always got a sicker and dark way of doing things  every time you read something to do with him, don't you agree?. Lets get back to it, the Joker 

They kill the bad guys, and then leave the Unternet, but  with a very cautious RR (some times a bird can change his feathers, still its a but who knows...). Back in the real world, Red Star is looking after Tim, but for how long, does Viktor know who hacked the Unternet, and what will Tam eat next ...

okay now that last bit was clearly a joke. 
After Finishing it myself, my thoughts
To start off with this comic  was confusing as hell, just to much to make sense of. Once again you wont hear me flaw any of the art work. It did keep me hooked all the way through, just to find out what the Unternet is.  it could of been better in all honesty  with the way the brought it in, but wait for the rating which is right  beneath...


a quick thing, yes i know i missed my time that i was ment to post this review, but ive set my times wrong,  so from now on, Mon, Tues, Fri will be the days where i post between 7-10 pm  
Wed, and Thurs could be any time 

Next review- Batman & Robin 19

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