Wednesday 19 January 2011

Batman and Robin #19

Hello again people, to all you who have noticed that the first 2 posts were of very different styles in the way they were written and laied out, now I have decided on which style to go in. With that said and done, time to  get on with it! The cover for this comic is pretty cool; I know I've been complaining about this type of cover but I'm starting to like it. In all honesty, the way that Damian is drawn suits him, where as  the Batman looks more like Bruce than Dick. This story arc at the moment is pretty straight forward; ex-girl friend wants revenge on Bruce for not appearing at her funeral? Wait that's not straight forward, oh well on with it i shall get

Seeing as this is the last in this story arc I'm gonna explain the whole thing and i plan to do this will all end of arc issues.

So this one starts out with Batman and Robin storming in  to the house of Vicki vale to see that she is not there and in her place Absence is. She proves she had no intention to kill by ripping up her massive scissors which were made from card, and the bag labeled body parts, was actually dog food, whilst Robin saves Vicki Batman is trying to calm Absence down for 3 minutes, until, absences plan work she's trapped Batman and Robin with some knock out gas. First of all if Batman is such a great detective, then why i ask does he always fall in to traps. The whole Batman family issues i love so don't get me wrong with the trap thing, but it can get a bit stupid sometimes, if you get me?

Then next thing we see is the dynamic duo tied down in chairs in some elaborate trap, in all honesty it look like something out of a Saw, and of course there goes Damien, oh that little bastard. Any way whilst Absence is explaining the trap the Boys are trying to break free but before they can, the drills get them. Then nothing their still alive, took me a while to figure it out before i read what Absence said, the drill heads were fake?! That i really didn't see coming, did you?

So as the boys  break free she explains that shes not a psychopathic, but just miss understood, isn't that like most villains then?  She starts to say that she meant nothing to Bruce, and she was just another girl to him, she points a gun at Batman and then turns it to herself, bearing in mind she's near an open window what's the point in that? pulls trigger, BAM! She's dead  again, as  her body falls, the boys run down the building on the inside, just as normal people do, what i was thinking why don't they zip line down, its much quicker! By the time there there there's no body to be seen!

After a Batman Monologue, you see a woman standing on the other side of Gotham lake, or what ever it is. It's most likely Absence. END? what an obscured ending?

After Finishing it myself, my thoughts
I'm not a big fan of this story arc, but there were some moments where i was unsure of what was going to happen which I did like. Any way this individual comic, kind of dragged on a bit. It was entertaining to read parts of it  but not my cup of tea. So in the end it was bearable, I can see that this will lead in to something else much bigger with an ending like that.


As i said in my verry short post before this one, i have been ill but, i will make up for the 2 reviews that i have not done, and tomorrow's one, some how. This is a lot more work than you think it is.

Next review- Green Lantern Corps #56

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